Creativity is a revelation of divinity. God is the Divine Designer and his divine design is everywhere we look. In everything, we see his signature in the beautiful complexity of underlying order. Created in his image, we create. In creativity, humanity and divinity collide.

It has been said that a blank piece of paper is God's way of telling us how hard it is to be God. Few things are scarier than starting something from scratch—taking on a project with no assurance of the outcome. Explore this universal creative struggle in “The Writer’s Room.”

Join us for a live performance with DOE, followed by a creative conversation around 'Creative Partnership'. A relationship is a partnership—a creative collaboration to build a life together. But what happens when work and love converge? Working with your significant other sits somewhere between discouraged and taboo, but the exceptions to the rule reveal beautiful possibilities for a life of shared creative output.

Thursday 12.02
Creativity is about bringing abstract ideas into concrete reality. A vision is an essential starting point—a potential solution to a pressing problem or a felt need—but, eventually, concepts need to be solidified into products. What those products are, what they are called, and who makes them are the things a brand is made of.

Often we relegate creativity to a limited range of pursuits. But every area of life requires creative leadership and divine direction. Running a company, leading a city, directing a brand, heading a family all demand that we bring the fullness of our creative selves to bear on the problems and opportunities that present themselves every step of the way.

Join us for a live performance with Aodhan King, followed by a creative conversation around 'The Art of Rest'. Work and rest are not in conflict with one another, but our relationship to both can be healthy or warped. We live in a culture that emphasizes the value of work without sufficiently stressing our need for rest. How do we live in the best of both worlds? How do we take back our time and learn the art of rest?

Friday 12.03
Inspiration is a prerequisite for productivity. What do we do when this essential ingredient of our work eludes us? Inspiration is not something that can be forced, it must be pursued with persistence and patience. And one of its greatest enemies is one of our closest friends: burnout. Finding inspiration and fighting burnout are processes that enable creative output, and they go hand in hand.

Join us on Friday, December 3, as we conclude VOUS Basel with a celebration of the life and legacy of Virgil Abloh.